ei3’s MONITOR application is the ultimate solution for accessing real-time machine and process data, enabling you to optimize performance and prevent unforeseen downtime. Technicians, operators, and maintenance teams can effortlessly review data trends, set up alerts for deviations, and troubleshoot issues proactively. With secure and remote connections, MONITOR provides instant access to invaluable data, allowing […]

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What data should I monitor?

Today, everything that is important to the productivity and quality of a machine is controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), industrial PC, or embedded computer. Internet communications using standard protocols make instantaneous readings of key values from these controllers readily available to be collected as data. Examples include OPC-UA, PackML and others. Machine data […]

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To use Tracker properly, a user account must have Remote Monitoring enabled. What is Tracker? Downloading & Configuring Tracker What is Tracker? Tracker is a Windows program that docks to the top or bottom edge of your desktop or notebook display and generates a continuous “ticker-tape” style crawl of user-configurable KPIs and / or data points […]

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