What is API?

API (application programming interface) allows websites to grab data from databases and display it in another place, such as another website or an ERP/MES system. This can be used in several ways, publicly or privately. With the right setup, ei3’s API tools allow you to easily display machine information onto displays across your factory floor. […]

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What is an API key, and where can I find it?

You can find a user’s API key under Admin Tools -> Users. Click the edit  icon  in front of a user account. You can find the associated API Key# at the bottom of the user edit page. Similarly, when creating a new user account, you can find the new account’s unique API Key# at the […]

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How do user groups work?

The User Groups function makes it easy to set up several user permissions for several machines with far less clicks. If you’re setting up several users with the same permissions, rather than clicking through several times on each user to set up their individual permissions, you can make a user group with the set permissions […]

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Where can I download Tracker?

To download Tracker, go to the Tools menu, and select Tracker. See the Tracker article for more details. © 2024 ei3 Corporation. Content of this web page is proprietary to ei3 Corporation.

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