Decoding XML – DOWNTIME Codes

When exporting downtime codes from a machine, the downtime codes list will appear in .XML format. (If your computer can’t open it, try drag + dropping the file into a text editor or Excel). To help decode the meaning of various XML text, here’s a quick guide. MachineId/LocationID: These are unique identifiers internal to ei3 […]

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Starting a SERVICE Session

Upon selecting an available key, the Start Remote Service Session page is presented to the user: Key Selection – One of the three available (gray) keys must be selected. Use Only Argo IP Addresses – Checking this box before starting a SERVICE session will prevent remote access to all local IP Addresses of the machine […]

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Recipe – New Recipe Creation

From Recipe > Catalog & Load, click the New  icon to create a new recipe on the selected machine. Input a name for your new recipe, and description, if desired. Enter a target machine speed for your recipe, for optimal performance during a recipe run. Check or un-check the Active box to signify whether the […]

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API Access – Overview

This function requires having API Access enabled on your machine. API Access provides a rich and powerful web service API with which to access your application data. This product can be used to automate or integrate your internal business intelligence or ERP systems with your machine’s production data. Each user account for a customer has […]

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Mobile Portal – Viewing Machines

iOS: Go to  System Settings, and find the Mobile Portal app icon. Tap into the settings for the app. Select the Max # Machines option, and choose a selection from the list. Android: Open the Mobile Portal app, and select the  icon from the top right of the screen. Select Settings. Choose the Number of […]

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Manage Schedules

For details on machine schedule creation, see this article. Once you’ve created a schedule, it’s time to apply it to your machine. From the Tools > Manage Schedules menu, select a machine using the machine selection bar at the top of the page. In the Action column, click the  icon. Select the schedule you’d like […]

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Editing Machine Details

From the Admin Tools menu, select Machines. Choose a location from the selection bar above, if necessary. Click the edit  icon next to the machine you’d like to edit the details of. Editing machine info allows you to change: Machine minimum/maximum speeds, which impact the machine’s overall Performance values (a measurement used for OEE). Caution: […]

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Shift Schedules

Machine Schedule – Overview New Schedule Creation Changing & Editing Schedules     Machine Schedule – Overview From the Tools menu, select the Schedules tab on the left side. This screen displays a list of all of the current schedules for your machine. From this list, it is also possible to change or delete a schedule. […]

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