INSIGHTS – Overview Page: SUSTAIN Badges

This article describes the SUSTAIN badges available in dashboards that are displayed on the INSIGHTS Overview page in ei3. The badges display information about energy consumption and carbon emissions for a selected machine. The SUSTAIN badge will only be available for machines that have active subscriptions for the SUSTAIN application. Additionally, several data points must […]

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INSIGHTS – Overview Page: Cycle Time Badges

This article describes the cycle time badges available in dashboards that are displayed on the INSIGHTS Overview page in ei3. The badges display the following information for a selected machine: current and average cycle time, machine up/down status and time, current job, and status of Lifecycle maintenance and predictions. The Cycle Time badge will only […]

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Creating INSIGHTS Overview Dashboard

The INSIGHTS Overview dashboard provides a visual representation of data, allowing users to gain key insights and better understand their operations. These dashboards can be customized with various badge types and layouts. 1. Access the Default Dashboard Login to ei3 and you will see the INSIGHTS Overview page. The default dashboard called “All” will be […]

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INSIGHTS – Overview Page: Productivity Badges

This article describes the productivity badges available in dashboards that are displayed on the INSIGHTS Overview page in ei3. The badges display the running state, machine speed, and productivity figures shown in OEE values for the selected period. In order for machine values to be properly calculated, the system needs to know which shift schedules […]

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PRODUCTION – Productivity Dashboard

Productivity Dashboard Production Trends Service & Connected Services Plans The Dashboard tab of PRODUCTION allows users to get a deeper look at the statistics of an individual machine. Use the machine selection bar at the top of the page to select a machine and view its performance statistics. To view your Production Dashboard, first, navigate […]

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INSIGHTS – Overview Page

Data without insights has no value. In most practical settings, insights are gained by providing users with visual representations of data that allow them to better understand their environment, plan and prioritize their activities, and react to problems. In ei3, one of the key applications designed for this purpose has always been the INSIGHTS Overview […]

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