How To Add Device Ports

To supplement the master port list and the Machine Ports list, additional TCP ports can be opened on red or black box Amphions to allow communication with individual devices. This feature enables fine-grained access control. Access to devices can be controlled by ei3 admin users by selecting allowed TCP and UDP ports on three levels: […]

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How To Add Machine Ports

Additional TCP and/or UDP ports can be opened on individual red or black box Amphions to supplement the master port list. This is useful when adding a device, like an OPC UA server, which allows for communication ports to be defined by the user. Access to devices can be controlled by ei3 admin users by […]

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Disconnecting a SERVICE Session

To disconnect or end a remote service session, simply click on the Close menu option: Clicking this button will display a short survey that must be filled out before the session is considered closed. Please note that some OEM partners have additional fields in this survey. IMPORTANT: if you disconnect your remote session via the […]

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During a SERVICE Session

Connecting Initiating a SERVICE session can take up to a minute to complete. To indicate that a session is in progress, the connection status graphic at the top-right of the ei³ web page will turn green and animate, like so: Once the session has been established, the VPN Service icon in the System Tray will […]

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Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA) Login

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a form of security that requires two forms of identification to access the application. These two forms must comprise something the user knows, and something the user possesses. In ei3 it adds an extra step to the log-in process, which sends a unique and random code to the user’s phone or […]

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How to remotely update your Amphion’s network configuration

This feature is available to Admin users only.This procedure works for eligible Amphions of networks and machines in ei3. In Remote Service, navigate to Admin and then either the Networks page or the Machines page. Using the Search bar, find the network or machine you’re looking to configure, and then select the Configuration icon  for […]

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Starting a SERVICE Session

Upon selecting an available key, the Start Remote Service Session page is presented to the user: Key Selection – One of the three available (gray) keys must be selected. Use Only Argo IP Addresses – Checking this box before starting a SERVICE session will prevent remote access to all local IP Addresses of the machine […]

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