Additional TCP and/or UDP ports can now be opened on individual red boxes to supplement the master port list. This is useful when adding a device, like an OPCUA server, which allows for communication ports to be defined by the user.

First, log into Service, then navigate to Admin > Machines

Search for your desired machine, then select the Machine Ports icon , bringing you to the page below.

Selecting the New button , next to Action will bring you to the “New Red Box Machine Port” page, where you can add all necessary information about the port including a Name, Description, Port number, whether it’s TCP/UDP/both, and add any comments.

When done, select the Save icon , and your port will be saved to that Machine’s Port page, where you can access added ports’ information at any time.

Selecting the History icon at the top of the Machine Ports page will bring you to the MRFD Machine Ports Audit Log, which displays all the changes have been previously made for the machine’s Amphion configuration.

Please note that:

1. The master port list is managed by your super administrator.

2. The system uses a combination of the master and machine-level port lists. Any port entered on either list will be opened on the red box

3. When a port is added to the machine port list, a new configuration file will need to be generated and applied to the box

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