Below is a list of the most recent changes made to the SERVICE Application and Customer Portal. See the complete list of past changes and updates here.


ei3 DOWNTIME: New Asset Management Feature

ei3 DOWNTIME now offers granular asset management capabilities, allowing you to track and analyze downtime events at the individual asset level within your machines. This powerful feature helps maintenance teams pinpoint exactly which assets are causing downtime, enabling more precise maintenance planning and better ROI on equipment investments.

Business Value

  • Precise Root Cause Analysis: Track downtime events down to specific assets, enabling accurate identification of problematic equipment

  • Smarter Maintenance Planning: Use detailed asset-level data to optimize preventive maintenance and reduce unexpected downtimes

  • Better Investment Decisions: Make data-driven decisions about asset repairs and replacements based on actual performance metrics

  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Quickly identify recurring issues to prioritize maintenance efforts and improve OEE

  • Simplified Asset Documentation: Maintain a standardized catalog of asset types while allowing for machine-specific customization

Key Features

  • Asset Type Management: Create and maintain a master catalog of asset types by location 

  • Machine Asset Assignment: Associate specific assets with machines and track their performance

  • Flexible Downtime Recording: Record downtime events with asset assignments through web, tablet, or mobile interfaces

  • Data Import/Export: Transfer asset configurations between locations using XML import/export

  • Business Intelligence API: Access detailed downtime data including asset-level details, with support for enterprise system integration through standardized asset IDs

Technical Highlights

  • Seamless integration with existing ei3 DOWNTIME infrastructure

  • RESTful API endpoints for asset management and data retrieval

  • Enhanced BI capabilities for detailed asset-level reporting


This feature will be available to all ei3 DOWNTIME customers in the upcoming release. Contact your ei3 representative to learn more about implementing asset management capabilities.

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