API (application programming interface) allows websites to grab data from databases and display it in another place, such as another website or an ERP/MES system. This can be used in several ways, publicly or privately. With the right setup, ei3’s API tools allow you to easily display machine information onto displays across your factory floor.

Public-facing API calls are like open doors: an information request comes in, and the requested information goes straight out.

Examples of public-facing API include:

  • Map information on websites to display location or directions. ei3 uses Google Maps API to show office locations.
  • Microsoft Windows API allows users to develop desktop and server applications that run successfully on all versions of Windows.

APIs can also be set up privately and securely. Instead of providing an open door like in the examples above, an API request may require a ‘key’ in order to obtain access to the requested information. If the key does not match, the API call is denied, and the information does not go through.

ei3 uses a private API to create secure user-specific access for your machine data. ei3 provides its customers unique API keys to use.  When a query is made using that specific API key, then that key opens the door.

Any good API has a documentation to provide users information on how to use it, and what functions it can perform. You can see ei3’s documentation on the API page, under the Tools tab. See more information here.

To understand more about API, where to find API keys, and how it can be used on the factory floor to display important machine information, see this article.

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