This article describes search features that are specific to the function of search for machines in SERVICE > Admin > Machines (but not to the search for machines in other places). Click here to find out more about the general search syntax used in ei3 web applications.
The search terms you enter will be applied to many fields associated with machines:
- The Project Name
- Other machine information (Name, Model, Model Description, Description, Serial Number, Product Line, Product Line Group, Service Center, Additional Equipment)
- Amphion information (Model, Software Version, MAC Address)
- Location information (Name, Code, Company, Division)
- Last Name, Full Name and User Name of the First and Second Owner of the machine.
- The Name of the Network that this machine is a part of
It is also possible to use the following special keywords in your searches (all keywords are case-insensitive):
- enabled or disabled to narrow down the search results to machines that are enabled or disabled, respectively.
- machonline or machoffline to narrow down the search results to machines that are currently online or offline, respectively.
- netonline or netoffline to narrow down the search results to machines located in networks that are currently online or offline, respectively.
Please note that the fields searched on the SERVICE > Machines > Admin page differ slightly from the ones searched on the Machines page. On the Machines page, your search terms will apply to the City and Country where the machine is located; on the Admin > Machines page, that’s not the case. On the other hand, several fields are only included in searches executed from the Admin > Machines page: Model Name and Software version of the Amphion; Company Name; Service Center Name; Machine Model Description; all fields related to the First and Second Owner of the machine; the enabled status of the machine. See the relevant article for more information: How To Search For Machines?
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