When importing data points to a machine using Excel, it’s important that all the data point information is properly formatted. Any errors will result in a failed import attempt. When you export an existing data point list into an Excel file, the data points will be properly formatted for Excel, and can easily be copied and pasted back in to the import page in the correct format. You can also read more about each of the below fields in this article.

The columns necessary for a successful import are listed below:

  • Device – this is the device from which the data point will be read. If the device name doesn’t match the name of an existing device on the machine, the import will fail.
  • Local IP Address – must follow standard IP address rules and format, and match the device IP listed.
  • Tag Name – A user-defined short name used for data storage. The tag name is used to display the name of the data point. The name must be UNIQUE for the particular machine, it cannot contain any spaces nor special characters. If this machine is one of a standard range or produce line, it is recommended to use the same Tag Name for all machines of its product line. Refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Description – A user-defined description for the data point is provided here.
  • Read Address – The string contained here is the precise definition of the path to access and read the value of the data point in the machine’s automation control device If the characters in this input field do not match the tag in the machine control device, the data point will not be read.
  • Write Address – not commonly used, refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Word # (Read) – not commonly used, refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Word # (Write) – not commonly used, refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Units – The units associated with the value of the data point.
  • Min/Max Value: The numbers provided here provide a user-defined range for the data point’s expected minimum and maximum read values. These values are used for display and charting axes in the ei3 applications.
  • Scale Type – Must match one of the defined scale types in ei3. See the article on data point properties for a complete list.
  • Scale Equation – Refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Category – Common categories include Production, Count, or Speed.
  • Data Type – Must match one of the ei3 supported data types. See the article on data point properties for a complete list.
  • Length – This is the maximum length of the values to be read for a data point using the String Data Type.
  • Descale Equation – Often left blank, used only in specific cases. Refer to the article on data point properties for more information.
  • Tag Type – The tag type must match one of the ei3 defined tag types (entered here with the name of the tag type). Each tag type is listed in this article.
  • Enable for Charting – Boolean value, must be entered as 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, OFF/ON (Not case sensitive).
  • Enable for Statistics – Boolean value, must be entered as 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, OFF/ON (Not case sensitive).
  • Enable for Export – Boolean value, must be entered as 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, OFF/ON (Not case sensitive).
  • Enable for Alerts – Boolean value, must be entered as 0/1, TRUE/FALSE, OFF/ON (Not case sensitive).
  • Target Data Point – Often left blank, this is only used in specific cases
    can be used to create a link between Actual and Target values for the data point.
  • Periodicity Id – Often left blank, this is only used in specific cases.
  • Trigger Id – Often left blank, this is only used in specific cases.
  • Compression Id – Often left blank, this is only used in specific cases.

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