Machine downtimes are evaluated by the ei3 servers once every five (5) minutes. During each evaluation, the state of the machine is determined for each of the preceding data collection intervals.

  • A machine is determined to be down whenever its speed falls below Minimum Production Speed. A machine is determined to be running whenever its speed is at or above Minimum Production Speed.
  • A new downtime event is created whenever one of the following transitional states is detected:
    • A machine transitions from running to down without a machine downtime code observed. The downtime event created will be of type “Unplanned”.
    • A machine transitions from running to down with a machine downtime code observed. The downtime event created will be defined by the downtime code observed.
    • A machine remains down but with a different downtime code observed. The downtime event created will be defined by the new code observed.
    • A machine remains down and enters a No Production Shift or a machine transitions from running to down during a No Production Shift. The downtime event created will be of type “Scheduled”.  Note: Any observed machine downtime code will be disregarded and the machine schedule will override the machine’s downtime code.
    • A machine remains down and exits a No Production Shift. The downtime event created will be of type “Unplanned”.
  • Any downtime event is ended whenever one of the following transitional states is detected:
    • A machine transitions from down to running.
    • A machine remains down but provides a different downtime code.
    • A machine remains down and either enters or exits a No Production Shift.

Note: If a downtime event starts as type “Unassigned” for some period of time, and then a specific machine downtime code (i.e. “XYZ”) is observed, then the prior period of the “Unassigned” downtime will be assigned the code “XYZ”. In addition, if a downtime code is assigned by a user during the period the machine is down, that assignment will be applied to the entire downtime event.

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