When setting up a machine shift schedule, an option provided is the Day Start Offset. This is used in cases where a shift might start the day before on the first day of the week (in a shift schedule configured to start on Mondays, a 6-hour shift starting at 23:00 on Sunday night and stretching to 05:00 of the next day would use the day start offset).

Day offset = 0 is the standard and used for most schedules. Its used when the first shift of the day is the same day as the first day of the week. An example would be first shift starting at 7:00 on Monday.
Day offset = -1 when the first shift of the week falls outside of the first day of the week. This is used for schedules where the customer works Monday to Friday, but the first shift of the week occurs at 23:00 Sunday night. This tells the system to look back at the previous day to grab the first shift of the week.