All model 14K Amphions use a special configuration file type, ending in .ei3

Please note: Other Amphion models (red, green, and black boxes) use a different file type, known as a .PATCH file. These .PATCH files will not work on model 14K Amphions. Follow these instructions for configuring other Amphion models.

The model 14K Amphion looks for files with the file type of .ei3, as appropriate for the device that the file will be used to configure. The configuration file is used by copying the .ei3 file onto a portable USB drive formatted as either FAT or FAT32. It is recommended not to use a USB drive larger than 32 GB. The USB drive must have only one .ei3 file at a time in the root directory of the USB drive.

  1. You can access the most recent configuration file from the Preview Machines page. If there is none listed, contact your administrator for a configuration file.
  2. With device running normally, insert USB stick with single configuration file in root directory (“.ei3” appendix)
  3. After about 20 seconds, either the success pattern or the error pattern will display on the LEDs.

Success pattern: The A1, A2 and A3 lights will start flashing at the same time. Once you see this pattern, remove the USB stick, and the Amphion 14K will restart itself (2-3 minutes) with the new configuration applied.

Error pattern (the .ei3 file is rejected or missing):  The REL, A1, A2 and A3 lights will start flashing at different times (not in sync). Once you see this pattern, remove the USB stick, and the Amphion 14K will restart itself (2-3 minutes) with no changes applied. Common causes of failure include a bad USB stick, a corrupt configuration file, or a USB stick with more than one .ei3 files in its storage.

Amphion 14H, 14N, and 14C configuration instructions are explained in this article.

An explanation of all Amphion LED meanings and patterns can be found in this article.

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