Note: LIFECYCLE alerts can only be used on machines that have the LIFECYCLE product active.

Alert Actions                                                                                  

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Description automatically generated with medium confidence Once an alert has been created, it will display on the main Alerts page (under the Admin dropdown) in a list.

The symbols in the Action column of Figure 1 provide the following functions:

  • Create a new alert. See Creating Alerts for more information on alert creation. 
  • Edit an existing alert.
  • Delete an alert. 

The Enabled column displays whether the alert is enabled or disabled. A green box signifies that the alert is enabled. To enable or disable an alert, see Alerts – Basic Information.


Creating Alerts                                                                            

There are two kinds of alerts that you can create for LIFECYCLE:

  1. Preventative Maintenance Alerts
  2. Prediction Alerts

From the menu, select LIFECYCLE > Alerts (under Admin). Select the icon under the Action column (see Figure 1) to create a new alert. 


Select Alert Type                                                                                                           

Choose a type of alert to add, either the Preventative Maintenance Alerts or Prediction Alerts.

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After selecting the Action icon , a new page named Add Alert Notification will be displayed with areas labeled Basic Information, Options, Predictions, Schedule, and Recipients.


Basic Information                                                                                                             

The first section of the Add Alert Notification page is called Basic Information. Here, users can enter alert information, select a machine, or choose to enable/disable the alert.

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The first section of the Add Alert Notification page is called Options. Here, users can specify alert options – alert frequency, number of alerts, language, and more.

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Alerts can be triggered by specific conditions or multiple conditions. It is important to set prediction alerts so that users are notified before their parts reach critical condition, overall reducing order lead times for spare parts.

Users can select the condition each part must reach to be alerted and can set this up under the Predictions section of the Add Alert Notification page. For Preventative Maintenance Alerts, alerts are set based on the parts and maintenance items. An example of that is shown in Figure 5 below:

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For Prediction Alerts, alerts are set based on the parts and maintenance items. An example of that is shown in Figure 6 below:

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Alerts Schedule                                                                                                              

Users can choose a time period during which alerts should be sent out. For instance, if a machine runs only five days a week and alerts should not be sent out on weekends, configure the Schedule section to match the machine run times. By adding Actions, users can choose a Start Day and Time, as well as an End Day and Time for each of their alerts.

This can be done under the Schedule section of the Add Alert Notification page. The chosen times for alerts are then displayed in a weekly schedule as seen below in Figure 7:

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Users can enter alert recipients under the Recipients section of the Add Alert Notification page, which is the final section. Email and text alerts are supported; text messaging fees may apply. Separate multiple entries with a comma.

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Once completed, users must hit the Save icon at the bottom of the page to save the alert.

Not receiving an alert? Read about Alert Status Information to ensure your alert is properly set up.

© 2024 ei3 Corporation. Content of this web page is proprietary to ei3 Corporation.

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